Wednesday, June 8, 2011

you aint cool like me

i am so cool liddat ! okay, so i dont need a friend that only have popularity but dont have a fucking brain. you know people now days.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

one million reason

i can list like one million reason why i love you boy, but just in short, you are the only person that can make me happy. i dont know until when, but insyaallah, forever.

hopefully you'll never get tired or bored with my attitude. i tau kerja i asyik tumbuk, cubit you apa suma, but, you tahan je lah okay sayang, haha.

i remember the day yang you malu gila nak cakap ILOVEYOU dekat i, haha. lepas tu i merajuk. you cakap, okay sayang, ILOVEYOU :D hee, seriously sayang, the more you shy, the more cuter okay, haha. grr.

sayang, i dont really care what others say about you. i love you for who you are and for who i am when im with you.

you are my sweetheart. iloveyou sayang. i really do. <3, loves, nadh

holiday get away .

tok just called.

tok : kakngah, tok dah masukkan duit kat bank.
me : tok, buat apa ada duit kalau taktau nak buat apa dgn duit tu.
tok : eleeh, tu lah orang suruh balik taiping taknak.
me : kakngah tuition lah tok. sorry lah. nnti kakngah balik tau
tok : okay laah mcm tu.

seriously got money but didnt know what to do with it. ammar and mukhkiss pergi taiping for holiday. qayyum dah start balik kolej. bean kerja. kawan, hmm. aint got no kawan here. so, im a bit stress. stress because tak buat apa apa. pagi petang malam asyik tgk muka bibik. parents pula, malam baru nampak bayang. grr, im so freakin lonely ! this holiday, didnt go as well as it should be. god, it stressing me out.

Monday, June 6, 2011

kita pun nak marah mcm awak D:

ni jadinya kalau lelaki tamak. selalu lebihkan ego sendiri daripada pikirkan perasaan orang yang dia sayang. dia pikir semua decision yang dia buat tu betul. so, kalau dah rasa betul, kenapa sekarang ni dia serabut. tak boleh selfish laah. dah kau happy, kasi lah orang lain chance happy juga. sekarang ni nadh dah happy dengan bean. pastu baru sekarang kau nak tepek aku maki aku apa bagai. come on lah. kita dah history kot. sedar sikit. aku pun tak ambik port pasal kau. takkan pasal baju pun kau nak marah besar. chill sudah. kau panggil aku pelacur apa bagai, aku still boleh buat cool lagi. kau tau kenapa ? sebab aku takkan buang masa nak mengamuk benda bullshit mcm ni. aku tau sape diri aku lah. tak perlu nak mengamuk sakan. kau nak jumpa aku ? haha, kenapa sekarang ? kenapa tak dulu before kau kantoi dgn aku pasal betina kau yang bersepah tu ? kau nak kata aku mulut puaka ? okay. mulut puaka pun boleh :) ye laah, kau je yang baik kalah malaikat kan. aku je yang jahat kaan ? jahat jahat aku, aku tak tidur dengan betina lain. aku sedar diri aku ni siapa. kau kata kau didik aku ? haha. iye lah. kau didik aku jadi bitch . sekarang ni kau patut bersyukur kau dapat awek yang alim :) so that dia boleh didik kau juga. insyaallah.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

to little too late boy. im sorry.

so boy, this is for you. things change now. i make my own flow now. and i took bean along with me. i hope you understand. you cant touch me now.

MONDAY 6.6.2011, 1.15 A.M

today was the happiest day of my life. bean asked me to be his princess. bean, dia actly kawan apis. goodfriend actly. mula2 rasa susah nak couple cos, we both pikir about apis feeling. and then i asked him to call apis. at first, he didnt want too. cos takut. i ingat we'll never be together. but then, he has guts to call him. guna my phone. and then apis angkat. like this convo diaorng :

BEAN : apis, serious aku nak cakap something. tapi jgn marah.
APIS : apa ?
BEAN : aku suka kat ex kau.
APIS : sape ?
BEAN : alahh, nadh.
APIS : *silent moment* kau biar betul. nadh ? nadh aku ?
BEAN : ha ah. nadh. *he looked at me*
APIS : kau jgn buat kelakar.
BEAN : aku serious doh. aku suka kat dia.

BLAH BLAH BLAAAAAH........................................

BEAN : kau okay tak ni apis ?
APIS : hmm, aku okay je. just, kau jaga je lah dia elok2. lagipun aku dah letgo dia kan.
BEAN : bukan apa apis. aku pikir kawan. aku nak kau okay.
APIS : yeah. aku okay.


NADH : apis, nadh ni. hmm, hopefully you boleh accept kalau bean dgn i. i like him apis. he make me smile again.
APIS : hmm, seriously its your decision.
NADH : yeah. and i love him. its not fair kalau you je boleh happy apis. since you tinggal i, i hari2 sedih. but now i dah ada bean. please kasi i happy okay apis. tak fair kalau you happy and i tak.
APIS : i still love you nadh. kalau you nak tahu, hari2 i stalk fb you. i sayang kat you. but i guess, i should stop that.
NADH : yeah you should apis, cos you know why, the time that you kantoi dgn i kat NZ haritu, that was the last time ILOVEYOU. im sorry. i dah buang our history. i dah move on even though it takes a lot of time.
APIS : i know. im sorry too for everything. well, congrats both of you. please jaga bean.
NADH : i will. dont worry.

so yeah. apis was to little too late. if dia tak pentingkan ego dia dulu, well maybe JUST maybe, we still together. but seriously, i never regret anything. .

Saturday, June 4, 2011

angrybirds become angrynadh

okay, there i was having my beauty sleep and sudden GEDEGANGGGG pintu bilik terbuka. it was mama. she's looking for her phone. and she asked me. lol, where the hell i know mana you letak phone mama. god ! and then she yelled at me, ' dah pukul berapa dah ni? bangun bangun' arggggh. i cant sleep for two days laah. please lah faham. but she didnt -.- she took my precious selimut and ask me to get up. okaaay, so i went downstairs, dengar baba membebel about cars. he's otp with his friend. i know they talking about cars. baba decide to buy a new car for mama. damn ! you oledyy have 4 cars. nak sampai 5 buat apa ? rather than you buy 5 cars, why dont you beli banglo sebijik ?! lagipuas hati semua orang kaan ? grr, dengan bb tak boleh on because i forgot where the hell i put my charger. okay, this morning arent going smoothly as i thought. grr. so, qayyum decide to go to danau tonight because ammar was like paksa2 sebab semalam cannot go because aint got no parking. padahal dah ronda ronda for almost 40 minutes cari parking SAHAJA -.- so, please make my daaay okay

Friday, June 3, 2011

it shouldn't happen but it happened

so yeah. i don't know whether i was drunk that time or what. i know i shouldn't have this feeling. super duper major shouldn't! but i cant help it. if i do, i would, but i cant. and i fight so that this feeling can be untrue, but it weren't. like, am i wrong ? am i wrong for having this feeling towards him ? i cant stuck like this anymore. this THING had bugging me for a few days for god sake ! i cant hide this feeling anymore. seriously i cant. im sure this time, its not a 5 minutes crush like before. i know it's different. seriously, am i wrong for having this love feeling towards my exBOYFRIEND friend ? i know it sounds super awkward. but yeah, this is the dilemma i've gone through.

we hang a lot lately. but not on purpose. we were like, teman kawan berdating and last last, i get caught by his dull eyes. i dont usually like this because i will never fall in love with a guy like him. for a certain reason. but who am i to bangggg the fate that has written in my life ? im a human too. seriously, everytime i look at him, im so breathless. and for the first time, i dont feel awkward when i talked to him. and i had a huge smile affixed at my face every single damn word we talked. and i haven't felt this for a long time.

but there are a bunch of problem. firstly, he is my exboyfriend friend. they were so close. and im afraid that if i being selfish, it will ruin their friendship. but if i dont stand up for myself, i would loss something that should be mine. and now, im so freakin confuse. i dont want to gamble away my future. and secondly, i was unsure that he had a same feeling towards me. you knowww, i cant force people to like me. yet again, he knows that im a exgirlfriend of his friend for almost two years. so he must been thinking about this like 1000x2 times even though he likes me.*example*

and now, im gonna stuck on this madness until i found a solution. for now, im gonna pretend like nothing happen even though my friends always make fun of us. so, insyaallah, i have a strength to control my feeling towards him. hopefully i wont ended heart broken like before. i know, some of you guys wondering who he was and some of you already know. so, let it be okay.

i have guts to write this because i know, he will never ever read it because he hasss no facebook and others sosial network. so, i think im save. i guess. hopefully. gosh. my life been turn upside down because of him. dammet !

Thursday, June 2, 2011

can you be my one less lonely boy ?

seriously nadh banyak gila crush kat orang now, haha. sumpah mcm bodoh gila. no wonder i still not in relationship xD so yeaaah. sometime when i go to mall, i get a bit chicky bila nampak couples lalu lalang, haha. like, damn, even orang %^&*%%4 pun ada boyfriend, haha. no offense okay.

* i just keep wondering, am i wrong if i had a hug crush on my EXBOYFRIEND bestfriend ? like, tak salahkan ? aslong i dont get back with my ex, LOL :D

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

the best letter ever written

Dear Claire,

“What” and “If” are two words as non-threatening as words can be. But put them together side-by-side and they have the power to haunt you for the rest of your life: What if? What if? What if? I don’t know how your story ended but if what you felt then was true love, then it’s never too late. If it was true then, why wouldn’t it be true now? You need only the courage to follow your heart. I don’t know what a love like Juliet’s feels like - love to leave loved ones for, love to cross oceans for but I’d like to believe if I ever were to feel it, that I will have the courage to seize it. And, Claire, if you didn’t, I hope one day that you will.

All my love, Juliet.

Monday, May 30, 2011


seriously i just watched a bunch of movies that prove true love do exist. so, here are some of the movies that i watched ALONE without friends nor boyfriend :)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

l love the way you :

*the way you look at me

*the way you smile

*the way you blow your smoke

*the way you hold my hand

*the way you concentrate doing something

*the way you drive

*the way you call me 'sayang'

*the way you hug me

*the way you say iloveyou

*the way you eat

*the way you play sport

*the way you act

*the way you show me your love

*the way you care about me

*the way you respect my parents and siblings

*the way you laugh

*the way you walk

*the way you dress up

*the way you wait for me


finally holidayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyys :D im freakin free for two weeks y'all. but sadly mama and baba are to busy to take us for vacation -..- plus, i have tuition laah. haih. LOL, seriously like macam tak sedar diri nak SPM oh, haha. so, i duduk rumah je laah :( soooo sad kan. eventhough my friends ask me to hang out, but, entah lah. money dont grow on trees right. lagi2 cuti macam ni. memang money-less lah kan. so, hmm, a few boys asked me for a date. haha, boys always be boys. but i dont think im going. qayyum said, if i dont like any of them, so dont go. so yeah, i wont go. btw, please please come to my house. we can hang out at my house :) paling bestttttt -..-

Monday, May 23, 2011

My idol

my dad. he is my hero. i looked up on him. high look up ! okay, my grandparents told me, my dad is the only malay student who get 5 a's in his UPSR in Muar. so, he get a chance to continue his menengah at Malay College Kuala Kangsar (MCKK). a famous school which i know, it is everyone dream school. but it is so sad i cant study there because its a boy school. demmit -.- actually my lil brother got a chance to study there, but he turn it down sebab baba cakap situ ada hantu. LOL, no wonder ammar taknak, HAHA. haih. and my dad, he used to play rugby. he is on a rugby team in MCKK. how cooooool is that right. superb :D and im so proud on him. btw, he is the only person who always stand up for me when i told my family that im maybe continue my form 6. you know why ? sebab dia pun ambil form 6. and i remember he used told me, dia cakap, orang taknak ambik form 6 sebab takut. so yeah. i love him so much. forever i will be his angel.
dah lah tu cerita pasal orang. makin awak tu cerita kejahatan orang, makin awak tunjuk yang awak ni baik sangat. kalau saya salah faham, biar je lah. satu hari nnti Allah tu tunjuk jalan yang benar kat saya. tak payah lah awak sibuk sibuk. asalnya kita cerita pasal baju. baju je kut. tak payah nak mengelabah la :) takpe, saya pun doa biar awak tu bahagia :) jaga rumah tangga awak baik baik :) insyaallah, nnti saya pun akan jumpa jodoh yang boleh BIMBING saya jadi MATANG okay. tak perlu nak risau :)


im trying to delete people who doesnt fit into my life. people that only bring me down, people that only can make me sad. those kind of people shouldnt be in my live. kena juga tendang keluar. buat menyemak.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


manusia memang banyak ragam kan :) kadang-kadang orng yang baik pun boleh jadi tak baik. memang nadh nampak baik. tapi kalau dah aysik kena pijak kepala pun, tak boleh juga. memang nadh salah sebab puja2 dia dulu. kalau dari awal nadh tau perangai dia mcm tu, sumpah demi allah nadh takkan terima dia dari awal. dah lah mempermainkan perasaan orang, curang, penipu, berlakon lebih. masalah sekarang, siapa yang sibuk dengan siapa ? nadh tak pernah kacau awak pun. nadh even taknak pun kenal dengan awak. nadh nak teruskan hidup, tiba2 awak datang. awak muncul awak buat semua yang nadh plan jadi tunggang terbalik. kalau awak tu perempuan, awak mesti faham perasaan nadh. awak cerita suma time bahagia awak dengan dia dekat nadh. awak pikir nadh takda perasaan ke ? awak pikir hati nadh ni batu? nadh sedih. tapi selalu nadh sembunyikan kesedihan nadh. nadh dah penat menangis. tapi bila awak datang, awak buat nadh sedih balik. awak sedar tak ?!! awak tak pernah pikir ? awak jangan cakap pasal Allah punya balasan. nadh tau. nadh pun selalu doa biar lelaki awak tu pun kena balas yang sama. oh, kalau nadh punya balasan awak pikir, lelaki awak punya balasan ? tuhan tu adil. nadh tau. mungkin dia senang hidup buat nadh mcm anjing dulu. sekali lagi nadh cakap, karma wujud. tak payah nak ingatkan nadh semua benda tu. hari ni hari awak :) awak pun boleh lah puja2 dia sekarang. tapi kalau dia dah buat apa yang dia buat kat nadh. baru awak rasa. sekarang ni awak boleh lah gelak2 dengan dia. sebab nadh tak nafikan, dia mmg baik. tapi sabar kejap lah kaan. mungkin ada hikmah dia tinggal nadh. tuhan tu nak tunjuk, orang mcm dia mmg tak layak untuk nadh. dulu kata perangai nadh mcm haram. jangan nak mempertikaikan orang lain kalau diri sendiri pun tak betul. jangan ingat diri kita je selalu betul. jgn selfish sangat. jangan pentingkan kebahagian sendiri kalau orang lain terseksa. cuba sehari jadi nadh, awak pun mesti rasa benda yang sama. so, shut up and leave me alone. biar hilang satu kawan asalkan tak terus menerus sakit hati. kalau awak rasa nadh ni tak beradap sopan dgn orang yang lebih tua, nadh tak kisah. nadh dah penat nak jaga hati orng. buat apa nadh nak jaga hati orng kalau orang still buat nadh sakit hati. tolong okay. nadh nak move on. tolong jgn buat life nadh jadi mcm kimak mcm dulu. nadh dah penat. please okay. delete lah nadh dari skype segala jadah. sebab nadh dah penat jadi good fakers ! so long, have a good life . assalamualaikum

sinserely :
nadh muzafar


dude, you have a worst dress up EVER IN HISTORY OF DRESS UP ! haha. LOL, it was so fucking funny and i cant stop laughing when i look at your picture. Ya Allah, apa kau pikir haa time tu ? mesti ingat kau hot gila kaaan ? :D demmit, didnt you look at the mirror before leave the house ? sumpah kau macam penyangak , haha. opss, i didnt meant to say it. but you really are looked like one :) gentle aku teringin nak letak gambar kau kat blog ni. but i cant. nnti kantoi lah kan :D OH MY GOD, dulu kau tak macam ni doh. haha. see, i cant even stop laughing now. btw, i showed it to some of my friends and this is how they reacted :
* the hell ?
*WTF, sial, haha
*biar betul ?

haha, sorry dude, i didnt meant to stalked you. it just, hahaha, i just want to see how in the hell your life now. but i guess, it's getting worst. :D aurat tu jaga sikit, pfft. look at yourself first. TTYL .

Friday, May 20, 2011


Nur Syahirah Aisyah : she is my life. we been bestfriend for ages. 11 years now and still counting. eventhough she had moved out to Kelantan for study, but we still in contact. she told me, after SPM, she will move back to KL. seriously, i cant wait for that. im dying to meet her.

Maisarah : she is my everything. we talked a lot. about everything. i MEAN everything, haha. she is a good listener. she always lend me her shoulder whenever i needed. she's there for me anytime. i love her so much.

Nasuha : she is my girlfriend. we laugh a lot :D. i can feel paece-ness everything i look at her, haha. and seriously yeah. she's very calm and manner :) that's the reason why i love her so much

Nadia : we used to be friend before. but now, we are bestfriend :D so sad when she had to moved to MRSM :( but lucky she always manage to came back and asked us to hang out.

Farah : i know her since form 1. since that, we became bestfriend. she is very honest person. and i really love her personality.

Amalina : she is very soft-spoken and easy going :D i love her so much eventhough now we dont talk so much like before. but still, i consider her as my bff.

see, this is the reason why i dont need a boyfriend because my girls, they are the only person who never leave me. we go through thick and thin together.

you are my treasure,

i love you guys so much. thanks for being part of my life. im so bless to have two little cute cousin like Ryan and Rania. you always make me smile eventhough you are so freakin notty and buat kakngah naik gila lari sana lari sini for you, haha. i promise, bila kakngah dah ada driving license, i will always take you guys out okay :) kakngah bawa makan ice-cream, kita boleh pergi Aqua tengok fish okay sayang :)thanks for being mine. i love you sayang.

xoxo : kakngah.


my parents and i was chillen in tv's room and suddenly baba started to talk about PLKN. duhh, i hated that topic so damn much but still, i have to listed to it :

baba : kakngah kalau dapat PLKN macam mana ?

me : no im not going.

baba : you have too okay. wajib pergi.

me : memang wajib, but still im not going.

mama : kalau tak pergi, kakngah kena bayar penalty 3000 ribu and you kena buat com-service.

me : please, kakngah betul2 taknak pergi okay. budak2 situ jahat. nanti dia bully2. kakngah macam mana ? haa ?

baba : siapa cakap ? no they wont laah. abang nip pergi, balik sihat sihat je.

me : baa, he had a fight okay. padahal baru seminggu kot kat sana. sebab apa ? sebab terjeling orang. terjeling okaaaay ! what's wrong with menjeling menjeling? haih.

mama : you will have a lot of fun there okay.

me : i will not have fun at PLKN okay. their mean. everybody mean !

mama : kena lah belajar jadi susah sikit.

me : sure. kakngah boleh je buat com.service. boleh jaga ammar amir suma bila bibik balik rather than go to PLKN. susah juga tu.

baba : if you dapat, you still have to go.

me : hmm.

baba : if macam ni lah perangai, macam mana nak survive kat Galatasaray nanti.

me : baa, it is different okay. i never complaint anything about Istanbul.

mama : ye laah. kalau PLKN 3 bulan jauh dari mama suma, ni apa lagi kat Istanbul nanti.

me : you said you want to follow me ? haha

mama : haha.

so, our canvo's ended here. and i've been thinking, if i cant survive in PLKN, who in the hell im gonna survive in Galatasaray ? hmm, i would do anything to make my parents happy. and i will try to land my foot there, insyaallah.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

this is me i and myself

im a type of girl THAT :

- keep her promises
- love someone with all her heart.
- hangout at mamak's .
- wears big shirt and sweat pants and tie her hair like bun.
- eat alot.
- blogging at midnight.
- easy to wake up in the morning.
- cant cook but TRYING
- love to walk.
- love to play guitar heroes
- love to watch football, she is adie hard fans for chelsea :)
- sleeps with MATPET, her blue bear.
- hate math so damn much.
- love hungging people.
- uncountable guy friends.
- make her own money.
- wear bangles
- wear bright blue and pink nail polish.
- love balloon instead of flowers.
- closes to siblings.
- high ambition
- loyal
- hard to trust people.
- love to sport.
- can be a country girl
- hard to forget.

im a type of girl that DOESN'T :

- wears shorts.
- comb my hair.
- smoke.
- choosing.
- wear eye liner.
- listen to others say.
- copy others trend.

love me or hate me :) you choose.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

the reason why im still single but not available

who doesn't want to be in love and to be loved. if you doesn't want that, i think you should go and meet some experts. i dont want some random guys like others. i just want a guy that love me for who i am not for something i have. i just need to find one regular normal guy that when he walk pass through me and i would say, 'i never met him before'. nahh. i want that such a guy. not some hotstuff nor rich. for me, that doesnt matter at all. what really matter is he can make me laugh all day long, make me feel like im the luckiest girl in the world and will never let me fall into the boring-ness hole. by the way, im so not piking at all. im just chosen the right person who i can lend him my precious heart. this heart has been broken so many time. for once, i will never lend it to someone who doesnt learn to appreciate it. for now, i still cant find my right person eventhough i had met out with bunch of guy that really wants me to be their princess. but somewhere in my heart tells me, one day he'll show up. god save someone for me. i just need to keep searching.

Friday, May 13, 2011

i love this song so much

hopefully you're going to sing me this song one day. :)

Sunday, May 8, 2011


okay, start 9 mei, nadh akan mengadap exam mid term -..- haih. gila tak prepare apa pun. baca pun malas. asyik mengadap laptop je. penat lah nadh pikir mcm mana nak betul2 concentrate. last last nadh dapat idea :) nadh maybe akan stayback kat sekolah sampai petang then terus gerak tuition :) haa, tu je cara mcm mana tak asyik melekat dengan baby laptop ni :D alahai, dah lah nadh ada 22 papers kena jawab. exam pula sampai 27 mei. tak boleh lama lagi ke cikgu ? haha. but nasib baik lepas tu terus cuti sekolah two weeks. haih :D nadh sayang cikgu tapi kalau punya lama mcm ni, perghhh, sabar je lah ye -..- so, now, nadh aim, paling paling pun taknak ada yang fail. and sekurang kurangnya 3 a's :) amin. doakan nadh.

loves <3

Saturday, May 7, 2011

so true

PEOPLE : damn, you move on so fast.

NADH : no, i've just learned to let go quicker. i choose not to waste too much time sulking in my own misery. thank you.

Friday, May 6, 2011


Honestly, I have come to hate you. Something I promised you never would happen. Just like you promised me forever. Well, I guess somethings aren’t forever and I guess some promises can’t be kept. You said this break up was for my own good but you hurt me more than you even know. So you are wrong, You went wrong. Not me. I did everything I could to be the best for you. I was willing to change everything. Maybe I went wrong there. I have to do things for me too. Well I am now. I am having fun, finally. Those days with you are gone. Go ahead and try to find someone better than me. Because you wont. But I will find someone better than you. Our memories will fade because I want them too. That chapter in my life is over and I wont go back. New chapters are starting to reveal themselves. And I am ready for them. So goodbye to you. I dont need you anymore. Have fun with whatever you do or whoever you are doing. Let me know when you “find yourself.” Because I would LOVE to see who that is because the person I was happy with is not who you are today.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Qaedy Ardani is the greatest friend i ever had. he’s always there when i needed someone to talk with. he been there for me though thin and think. remember when i fall into the deepest dark and never got any strength to climb back, yeah, qedy was the person who lend me his strength. i know he would never ever let me drown in tears like before. i really am a luckiest person in the word to have such a good friend like him. and i never regret knowing him. yeah, he is part of my life. eventhough he had moved to Sabah, i know we’ll meet again one day, insyaallah. if i can go to Sabah right now even for a while, i would brothaaa. for you. thanks for been there for me. i dump you before because of my ex. and when my ex dump me, you still here standing beside me and you would never let me fall apart. i love you brothaaa from another mothaaah, haha. promise when you come back to KL, we can be hangout sampai kau menyampah tgk muka aku, haha :)

loves : nadh muzafar.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Royal Wedding

just watched prince william and kate middleton wedding. god, she is soooooooo pretty. i bet, she must be freaking nervous. duuh, you should be, girl. your married a PRINCE, haha. my god, you are the one of the most luckies woman in the world. your wedding is like every woman had dream for. who wouldnt right. and your dress make me wanna cry. it is heavenly beautiful. i want to wear that dress when i get married :) hmm, i hope you will live long together. you guys are perfect. and i just cant keep my eyes from prince harry. for god sake, he is sooooo damn one handsome bachelor, haha. grr, the more i write about them, the more jealous i get, soo i better stop it now. lovessss

Thursday, April 28, 2011

saya anak manja yang mengada gila nak mati dan saya taknak pergi PLKN ! fullstop !

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

stalker bitch

please dont add my friends on facebook or twitter just so you can stalk on me. i am so damn serious okay. it wasnt funny at all. please mind your own life rather then busy-ing body about mine. i know who you are. so, just stay away from me ! i never fucking care about your konong2 wonderful life okay. i have mine. and i am responsibility to make my new like wonderful as before. so, just fucking leave and stop stalking on me. i mean it. mind you own life baby girl.


just got back from watching Never Say Never 3D with ammar and mukiss. it was the boom i tell you. boom ! justin are super cute. he is a dream boy that every girls want including me ! like seriously im soooo in love with him. cant deny that but i know i have to share him with 9000000 other girls out there, haha. i know im not a belieber but still, im sooo die hard fan of him. i meant his song laah, haha. OMG ! sumpah i started to like you JUSTIN BIEBER ! very very much. and i cried everytime i heard DOWN TO EARTH and NEVER LET YOU GO song. okay, i have to admit, yeah, im'ma bieber fan NOW !

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Justin Bieber Live in KL 2011

okaay. i know i used to hate him. haha. but lepas pergi concert dia hari khamis tu, terus dah minat sikit. but still, im not a belieber laah. actly i, ammar and mukhkiss langsung tak plan nak pergi. then hari rabu tu kitaorng lepak kedai mamak. time tgh baca paper, i ternampak lah poster bieber. asalnya main2 lah konongkonong nak pergi kaan. then sudden, mukh betul2 ajak. i and ammar okay je. haha. so, malam tu juga kitaorng book tickets for RM188 each. OMG, the belieber are so fucking crazy. dah lah kitaorng sanggup beratur from 4 until 6. sumpah time tgh in line, people keep pushing us. suma naaak seat depan. but we manage to get second seat :D power kaaaaan, HAHA. okay, time countdown, kitaorng suma naik atas kerusi and dance like there is no tomorrow. its crazy and i had a lot of fun. i had to admit that justin is cute, LOL. okaay, and dia punya perform like, WOWWWWWW. there are so many girls screaming including me, haha. like, who's care kaaaan. and the weirdest thing is, i sanggup berpeluh2 and mandi hujan just for justin. dude, it was seriously weird, HAHA. lepas tu, time balik, i and mukh buy I LOVE JUSTIN BIEBER cap, HAHAHHAA ! sumpah mcm bodoh gila. sooo, okay lah. tu je kot. but i really do admit the concert was beyond my expectation. the picture suma i masukkan kat FACEBOOK. cheak it out if you feel free :)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

true colours.

i know i should introduce myself from my first entry which is in 2009. but i never gotta chance. and now, here are a little bit about me.

My real name is Nadhirah Muzafar. but most people called me Nadh. and now, i already get use to it. im'ma little princess among my 3 brothers. so, i get an extra attention from my parents and grandparents :D i love every inch of it, HAHA. and i am very thankful for that. but still, i cant avoid from being scold, lecture and other things that parents do when their daughter get out of control. so, yeah, i live in real word wheres there is drama every single day. and i work for living. where did you guys think i get my money from other then 'duit belanja?' haha. my dad always ask me to wash his car and from that, i get my extra money. so, look, clearly i am not a spoil little bratz. right ? honestly, im'ma hardcore heart. but cant deny that sometime hardcore can be softcore when it come to sensitive thing. so, hmm :) live with it. i have a bunch of good friends and girlfriends :) they are my drugs, haha. clearly, i always spend time lepaking with my brother friends. a glass of teh tarik and shisha wont hurt right :) sometime we sit in the car and put on laud music. that is so much fun compare to study. but i realize, without education, i will never have a chance to continue my study in Galatasary University. so, insyaallah, i will reduce my playtime and concentrate on my study. duhh, now im still alone. but heh, alone is alright. its not bad as i think it will be. i know, at first it feels weird, but i'll get use to it, insyaallah. people come and go. and i would do anything to let people i love to stay. i would run until the end of the world for people i love. but, yeah, at first, they must learn to appreciate me first. and then i will do anything for them. my first priority is loyalty and trust. please please pleaseeeee be loyal. im so tired with people who cant keep their promises. and so, dont promise me anything if you cant keep it. because, that's the only thing that always make me piss off. like, damn people nowdays -__- well, err, i think this is enough. hmm :) okay, bye bye people :P

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

behind everything.

# you'll never know how much it hurts to see you and her.

# It's amazing how many times I have forgiven you, yet you still hurt me.

# Sometimes I forget that I'm not supposed to love you anymore.

# ts is sad all I remember is everything I'm trying so hard to forget.

maybe some of you think that everything i has written on this blog is all about my heart broken story. well, it used to be. but now, i have the strength to move on. and the reason why i write everything here because i really wanna share my experience in love and heart broken moment. some of the word maybe sound like freaking harsh right ? but thats what life is. it isnt always happy all the time. bad moment appear in many way. so baby, i know its hard. i dont think even time can heal my heart broken. but open your eyes, look around honey, beside him/her, there is million people who actually care about you. before this, you cant see because you're blind by your love. do cry, do scream if that can make you feel better because that what i have done for almost 5 months. and to all my honeysss, im here. you can always talk to me.

Monday, April 11, 2011

i dont need nobody but you.

nadh nak explain dekat sini, bukan maksud nadh nak benci semua lelaki. nadh tak pernah maksud kan yang nadh benci gila gila kat lelaki. nadh tau, some of you ada yang dah salah faham dengan apa yang nadh cakap. and nadh minta maaf.

maksud nadh, nadh tak nak in relation dengan sesiapa buat masa sekarng. nadh nak try move on hidup nadh ni. dan bukan bermaksud nadh still teperengkap in past. it just, nadh nak buat apa yang nadh tak boleh buat bila nadh dengan dia dulu. nadh nak berkawan, nadh nak bersukan, nadh nak stayback and macam2 lagi. dulu nadh tak dapat buat semua tu. and now, bila dah ada peluang, nadh nak buat :D

lagipun terlalu cepat nadh nak cakap pasal jodoh nadh, sebab buat masa sekarang, nadh belum jatuh hati dengan sesiapa. mungkin setakat crush2 tu ada lah. but nadh belum jumpa sesiapa yang betulbetul boleh jaga nadh. yang betulbetul boleh sayang nadh. nadh dah taknak memori lama terjadi balik. gentle nadh serik. nadh dah penat jatuh dalam lembah bohong orang lain. sekarang ni, nadh tak nafikan nadh ramai kawan lelaki. tapi jujur nadh cakap, suma tu cuma kawan. mungkin ada sesetengah pihak nampak nadh terlebih mesra dengan diaorng. tapi nadh tak boleh halang persepsi orang. jadi, terpulanglah diaorng nadh cakap apa sebab nadh sangat sangat dah tak larat nak jaga hati semua orang. nadh ni orang. nadh berhak happy dengan jalan hidup nadh.

sekarang ni, nadh dah terlalu happy dengan orang yang ada di sekeliling nadh. yang selalu kasi nadh nasihat. yang selalu buat nadh tabah dalam hidup :) cukup lah sengsara dulu. semua sengsara, pedih and jatuh nadh dulu nadh gantikan dengan kegembiraan yang tak pernah nadh rasakan dulu. nadh nak bebas. tapi bukan terlalu bebas sampai jatuh dalam lembah dosa nadh seperti dulu.

dah cukup nadh jaga perasaan orang. now, its my time. nadh dah tentukan jalan hidup nadh. nadh nak dapat keputusan yang paling baik dalam SPM. then nadh nak sambung study. insyaallah kalau ada rezeki, galatasary university pilihan nadh*doadoakan*. kemudian nadh nak kejar citacita nadh jadi famous amos lawyer. insyaallah by 23 or 24 or 25, nadh dah ready nak berkhawin. jodoh kalau boleh, nadh nak serahkan dekat parents. they know me better. okay, tu suma jauh lagi. now, nadh focus on my SPM first. lagipun jadual hidup nadh suma dah padat ! nadh dah tak ada masa nak main2 mcm dulu.

doakan nadh. insyaallah, amin.