Sunday, June 5, 2011

MONDAY 6.6.2011, 1.15 A.M

today was the happiest day of my life. bean asked me to be his princess. bean, dia actly kawan apis. goodfriend actly. mula2 rasa susah nak couple cos, we both pikir about apis feeling. and then i asked him to call apis. at first, he didnt want too. cos takut. i ingat we'll never be together. but then, he has guts to call him. guna my phone. and then apis angkat. like this convo diaorng :

BEAN : apis, serious aku nak cakap something. tapi jgn marah.
APIS : apa ?
BEAN : aku suka kat ex kau.
APIS : sape ?
BEAN : alahh, nadh.
APIS : *silent moment* kau biar betul. nadh ? nadh aku ?
BEAN : ha ah. nadh. *he looked at me*
APIS : kau jgn buat kelakar.
BEAN : aku serious doh. aku suka kat dia.

BLAH BLAH BLAAAAAH........................................

BEAN : kau okay tak ni apis ?
APIS : hmm, aku okay je. just, kau jaga je lah dia elok2. lagipun aku dah letgo dia kan.
BEAN : bukan apa apis. aku pikir kawan. aku nak kau okay.
APIS : yeah. aku okay.


NADH : apis, nadh ni. hmm, hopefully you boleh accept kalau bean dgn i. i like him apis. he make me smile again.
APIS : hmm, seriously its your decision.
NADH : yeah. and i love him. its not fair kalau you je boleh happy apis. since you tinggal i, i hari2 sedih. but now i dah ada bean. please kasi i happy okay apis. tak fair kalau you happy and i tak.
APIS : i still love you nadh. kalau you nak tahu, hari2 i stalk fb you. i sayang kat you. but i guess, i should stop that.
NADH : yeah you should apis, cos you know why, the time that you kantoi dgn i kat NZ haritu, that was the last time ILOVEYOU. im sorry. i dah buang our history. i dah move on even though it takes a lot of time.
APIS : i know. im sorry too for everything. well, congrats both of you. please jaga bean.
NADH : i will. dont worry.

so yeah. apis was to little too late. if dia tak pentingkan ego dia dulu, well maybe JUST maybe, we still together. but seriously, i never regret anything. .

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